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Vincent Balfour Browne paintings for sale

 Vincent Robert Stewart Ramsey Balfour-Browne, (1880-1963) 

One of the finest sporting and wildlife artists .  The finest painter of red deer.  Painter in watercolour of  mainly stalking scenes and wildlife. Pupil and friend of the artist and naturalist George Lodge. For many years BB  leased a deer forest for stalking and sketching purposes in various parts of the west coast although most of his best work was done in the Blackmount area of Argyll.He illustrated several books including Patrick Chalmers Mine Eyes Unto the Hills. The Stalking Letters and Sketches of V.R. Balfour-Browne.


Prints of his work, often produced during his lifetime in circular form to simulate the view from a telescope, have always been in demand. Exhibitions of his work were held annually during his lifetime in London.


Glenternie House    
EH45 9JN
tel. (+44) 01721740278

Mobile (+44) 07799841883

by Appointment only


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