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Reichenbachia: Orchids Illustrated and Described provides full access to Reichenbachia, a four-volume 19th century publication created by orchidologist Frederick Sander that provides life-sized illustrations and descriptions of orchids.


Reichenbachia, named after the renowned German orchidologist Heinrich Gustav Reichenbach, was created over a four year span from 1886 to 1890 as a collaboration between Sander and English painter Henry George Moon, who provided most of the illustrations. The text was issued in two series, each containing two volumes. The first volume of the first series was published in 1888, with the subsequent three volumes being published in two year intervals. All four volumes of Reichenbachia are held in print at Ball State University Archives and Special Collections.

"Orchid Collection (set of 32)"

"Orchid Collection (set of 32)"

by REICHENBACHIA Lithographs 23" x 16" £275 (price for each)

tel. (+44) 01721740278

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